Self-care is not selfish or self-indulgent.  We cannot nurture others from a dry well.  We need to take care of our own needs first, then we can give from our surplus, our abundance.” Jennifer Louden

Life can be busy, demanding and stressful.  With ever increasing demands from work, family obligations and life in general, we may feel the consequences of not taking adequate care of our physical, mental or emotional health.  We can end up feeling drained, depleted, stressed and out of control.

For some, self-care may seem like an impossible luxury.  You may be running at a thousand miles an hour, never catching up and the thought of self-care may even seem selfish to you.

Self-care is not a luxury, it is ESSENTIAL.  We cannot operate from an empty vessel so ignore any warning signals from your body, mind and spirit at your own peril.  If we do not take the time to fill up our vessel, we will have far less to offer others including those closest to us.

If self-care is being avoided, your body-mind-spirit will start to flag up this lack.  Initially the signals may be subtle but if ignored, over time, the messages will get louder and louder.  You may experience anger, frustration, fear, impatience, lack of energy, illness or injuries.

The key is to understand when we feel unbalanced and to identify self-care strategies that work for you.  We need to understand what helps to restore and nourish us.  This may be different for each individual but developing your self-awareness can help identify what works for you.

Here’s a list of self-care activities.  See what resonates with you and add anything that makes your heart sing.  We have a deep inner knowing so take the time to connect with your heart to understand what your body, mind and spirit are calling out for.

  1. Eat healthy fresh foods – Plant based foods or those closer to the sun (less processing) will have greater energy and health inducing qualities.  Eating a nutrient packed diet can help you be more productive, reduce stress, ensure that you are healthy and help you to live longer.
  2. Get sufficient sleep each night – The recommendation is 6-8 hours per night and make sure that you switch off devices several hours before bedtime as the artificial blue light affects your circadian rhythms and melatonin levels which can disrupt the quality of sleep.
  3. Take regular exercise – Find something that you really enjoy and commit to it on a regular basis.
  4. Get outside – Sunshine and sunlight are hugely beneficial for our health and wellbeing.  Sunlight can help with the production of Vitamin D which the body can store for about a month.  Regular exposure to sunlight, particularly in the winter months, enables the body to maintain levels of Vitamin D.
  5. Maintain your social networks – Social support and social interaction have a positive influence on our physical and mental health. It helps lower stress, depression, anxiety and also highly affects our endocrine-immune system.  We are social animals so positive social interactions are hugely important.
  6. Laugh! – There’s nothing like a deep-rooted belly laugh.  Laughter is known as the best medicine.  It can help lower blood pressure, reduce stress hormone levels, improve cardiac health and trigger the release of endorphins.  No wonder it feels so good!
  7. Meditate daily – Developing a daily meditation practice can be hugely beneficial.  Your life will become calmer and clearer, it helps to lower blood pressure, helps to reduce stress, your mind becomes clearer, you will be able to achieve more and you will feel amazing!  You may feel that you don’t have the time to meditate but start off with 5 minutes and increase your practice over time.  You will find that extra time will open up for you as you deepen your practice.
  8. Get a massage – A soothing massage can help you unwind.  Massage is known to help with reducing stress, pain and muscle tension.  It’s a perfect way to dedicate some time to yourself in order to replenish and nourish.
  9. Cultivate hobbies – A hobby is an activity that you enjoy.  Hobbies can enhance your well-being and give more meaning to your life.  It’s a chance to connect with ourselves and to explore our creativity.
  10. Develop mindfulness – Mindfulness is developing a moment-to-moment awareness of our experiences without judgment. Mindfulness can help reduce stress, improve focus, decrease emotional reactivity, improve empathy and compassion and promote a better quality of life.

Go ahead and find out which self-care strategies work for you.  These may change over time but make a start.

Here’s a gentle reminder: Take care of yourself today.

Taking good care of YOU, means the people in your life will receive the best of you, rather than what’s left of you.” ~ Carl Bryan, Tennis Coach

Self-care is a divine responsibility” ~ Danielle La Porte

Sign up to my monthly e-newsletter here for updates, events, blog posts and a free monthly meditation download.

Sat 19 – Sat 26 Sep 2015 at Tara Casa, La Magdalena, Murcia, Spain

We have TWO PLACES remaining for this retreat.  Get in touch if you’d like to join us!

Aloha Yoga is really excited to  be hosting a yoga retreat at Tara Casa, a beautiful country house set in the quiet village of La Magdalena, Spain.

Come and join us for a relaxing week of daily yoga, great food, a good programme, therapies, local tours, excellent company and sunshine.  You can book your place with a £100 deposit and pay instalments up to June 2015.

If you wish, you can pay the £100 deposit to reserve your place and then monthly instalments to spread the cost!

The week is led by two qualified and experienced yoga teachers, Julie Bladon (Jayadevi) and Jackie Dorrian (Jagdambe Ma), who will teach yoga classes in a variety of styles including Akhanda Yoga, Yin Yoga, Classical Kundalini Yoga, Sivananda Yoga and Yoga Nidra. This mixed programme is perfect if you are starting your yogic journey and wish to explore different styles or if you are more experienced and wish to immerse yourself in your practise.  Whether you wish to travel as a group or solo, this will be the perfect week for you.

We understand that life can be busy and stressful so this week is a perfect opportunity to take care of self, replenish, rejuvenate, relax and to have time to “just be”.

We truly love what we do and would  love to share a week of yoga with you in the beautiful sunny region of Murcia. Read More >

What a wonderful weekend retreat at Bala Brook, celebrating the inaugural International Yoga Day and the Summer Solstice. We are filled with gratitude, love with all the heart opening. Such a truly magical and powerful weekend.  Thank you to everyone. Namaste

Vision Boarding Workshop

Vision Boarding Workshop

Aloha Yoga Massage Room Crop

Aloha Yoga Massage Room

Crystal Cards Aloha Yoga Retreat

Yoga Class

Closing Circle Om Healing Bath

Closing Ceremony – Om Healing Bath

Aloha Yoga Retreat Relaxation

Aloha Yoga Summer Retreat 2015 – Relaxation!

Aloha Yoga would like to thank our sponsors of this year’s Aloha Yoga Summer Retreat goodie bags. Providing lots of yummy goodies for our guests. Mahalo!

Om Yoga and Lifestyle Magazine
Om Yoga and Lifestyle Magazine in now available in a variety of platforms. They kindly provided magazines and also free access to a magazine via their app.

The Soap Kitchen
This Devon based soap supplier and ingredient supplier is dedicated to the crafts of soap making, toiletry making and candle making. As one of the leading hand made soap manufacturers and ingredients stockists, they provide an unrivalled selection of products and ingredients.

Yogi Tea
For more than 40 years YOGI TEA® has been producing delicious herb and spice teas based on unique Ayurvedic tea recipes, which promote individual well-being. This unique Ayurvedic tea blend is based on an original recipe by Yogi Bhajan and contains cinnamon, cardamom, ginger, cloves, and black pepper. It was first sold in Europe in the 1970s.  Today, people all around the world enjoy the special blends of more than 80 selected organically-grown herbs and spices that give the 44 varieties of YOGI TEA® their unmistakeable flavour and health-giving properties.

Audible Yoga
Practice yoga anytime, any place! Over 700 classes ranging from 10 – 90 minutes to download or stream to any device. The site has yoga for every level. Visit the website to try free sample classes.


goodie bags 930 x 494

Aloha Yoga Retreats, Tours and Workshops are co-hosted by Flourish Yoga and

Dates are now released for 2016 Aloha Yoga Retreat.  Click these links for the June retreat and the July retreat.  They are both booking quickly so please get in touch to confirm your place!

The reasons people choose to go on a yoga retreat are many but here are some of the popular reasons:

  • Deepen your practice

And you? When will you begin that long journey into yourself?” ~ Rumi

Developing your practice can be challenging especially when you have a busy life and schedule.  Being on retreat gives you the chance to attend 2 classes per day, you will notice the progress and the positive effect this is having.  Distractions are limited so you can be sure that you fully focus.

I have had the honour to teach retreat guests who have only ever attended one yoga class before going on retreat choosing a retreat setting to begin to explore their practice, through to the more experienced yogi who seeks the space to focus more intensely.

  • Create a new perspective

The trees, the flowers, the plants grow in silence. The stars, the sun, the moon move in silence. Silence gives us a new perspective” ~ Mother Teresa

We all benefit from going to a new place, seeing the world and ourselves through different eyes.  You will have time to contemplate, to review what is out of balance and where you need to action change in your life.  This safe space will allow you to grow and learn.

  • Navigate life changes

It’s a good idea always to do something relaxing prior to making an important decision in your life” ~ Paulo Coelho, The Pilgrimage

Life is in constant change, some of which can be challenging.  A retreat allows you to step outside of your everyday life, to gain deeper understanding and create clarity.

It may be that you consciously decide to attend a retreat in order to work through change in your life or the outcome of a relaxing retreat may be a new perspective which leads to change.

I know for me personally, attending yoga retreats has enabled me to make big life changing decisions, to feel supported in that space and to know that I had the courage to make the changes I was being called to make.

  • Time to meditate

In meditation we return to where we already are – this shifting, changing ever-present now
If you wish to take up meditation, it must be now or never.” ~ Steve Hagen, Meditation Now or Never

You will be away from distractions, feel relaxed and ‘in the moment’ leading to a peaceful space in which to develop your meditation practice.  This is a perfect time to develop new habits.

  •  Take a digital detox

Spending the majority of our waking lives experiencing reality through a screen, endlessly plugged into our devices, is taking its toll… and we’re realising it’s not the answer. The era of burnout, multi-tasking, tech dependence, fatigue, ‘social media everything’ and information overload is coming to a close” ~

By switching off your technology you can find space and balance.  You can evaluate your relationship with technology and develop a more balanced approach.  Understand that you can press pause, reconnect with yourself and those around you, saviour your life experiences and feel recharged.

  • Rest and Relax 

Turn off your mind, relax, and float downstream”  ~ John Lennon

On retreat you have the permission to fully relax.  You can tune into your body, rest when you need it, allow your body and mind to de-stress.  You are free to replenish as you wish, you are free from demands.

  • Eat well

Let food be thy medicine, thy medicine shall be thy food” ~ Hippocrates

All of the hard work is done for you, you will enjoy nutritious and delicious meals.  It is an opportunity to review unhealthy habits and to develop new behaviours.   Healthy food, yoga and rest will re-energise your batteries and assist the body’s healing process.

  • Make new friends. 

Every person needs a time out, away from stressful jobs, pressures from employers or clients, home responsibilities….  Everyone deserves to enjoy, visit unknown places, try other things, meet a lot of new friends, and feel at the top of the world. Life is full of fun, excitement, and adventure. Thus, vacation is an experience that’s worth remembering for a lifetime. It heals a weary mind and soul”  ~ Alon Calinao Dy

You may travel as a group or solo but it is guaranteed that you will meet like minded people on retreat.  Retreats are perfect if you are travelling alone, you have the choice to spend time with others or enjoy your own space if you wish.

I have met lifelong friends on retreat including my Aloha Yoga collaborator, Jackie Dorrian.

 “Little did we know that 4 years after meeting on a Yoga Retreat in Kerala that our lives would be completely different and we would be working together to deliver “Aloha Yoga Retreats and Workshops”. Whilst we teach different yoga styles and our therapies are from different parts of the world, we have common aims and our work complements each other.  We have some exciting plans in the pipeline including a Summer Retreat on Dartmoor, Music Festivals and a Retreat in Spain.” explains Jackie.

  •  Who needs any more reasons? 

Seriously no-one needs to justify going on a yoga retreat.  Why not join us for our Aloha Yoga Retreat in Spain and experience the benefits for yourself!

 “This is my first yoga retreat experience, and it has been simply wonderful. Super location, fabulous company, great food and beautiful guided meditation and yoga. Opened my eyes to new possibilities and practices. Amazing. Peace and Love” ~ Aloha Yoga Retreat 2013 Guest

Click here to sign up to my monthly newsletter – news, updates, free meditation downloads.


I’m now teaching for AUDIBLE YOGA, an online audio resource for yoga classes. The service offers over 700 classes ranging from 10 to 90 minutes. You can practice anytime, anywhere to suit your schedule.

Audible Yoga offers something unique: a way to connect teachers and students through the power of voice. Audible Yoga also gives everyone a way to create a consistent home yoga practice with:

  • Variety – from Anusara to Vinyasa and every style in between. Subscribers can take a wide variety of yoga classes taught by yoga teachers around the world.
  • Convenience – small file sizes means students can quickly stream or download a yoga class and practice wherever they are anytime of the day.
  • Flexibility – Audible Yoga offers classes from 10 to 90 minutes long so students can practice for the time they have available.

Audible Yoga classes are created with student’s needs in mind. Classes are designed to relieve pain, boost energy, reduce stress, improve immunity, lose weight, and more. The search feature allows students to find classes by level, yoga style, length of time, and purpose. A student with just 30 minutes to spare can quickly find a Hatha class with a focus on building core strength, for example.

The monthly price is $15 (less than a typical yoga class). The annual subscription of $150 gives a student two full months of free yoga. A 15­-day trial is included with every subscription. Subscribers can cancel anytime.

“Audible Yoga is the perfect way to get you on the mat and practicing without distractions. Just listen and move to experience the transformative benefits of your yoga practice within your body”.  Anne Hunt, Audible Yoga teacher

Audible Yoga answers a significant need in an overscheduled society where simply getting to a yoga class can be difficult. It also serves those in underserved communities where yoga classes are limited.

Click here to go to my Audible Yoga listing and classes.  If you wish to sign up please use my teacher code 3671.



Starfish Meditation from the “Yoga Sleep and Other Magical Guided Meditations for Children” is now available on my YouTube channel.

Thank you for all of the fantastic reviews that I have been receiving for this CD.  It is such an honour that this CD is helping so many children in such a wide variety of ways.  Ranging from relaxation and stress relief, for bedtime and for those that have been ill and have listened to the CD whilst in hospital.

Downloads are now available on iTunes, Amazon and on streaming sites such as Spotify.

“Thank you for this brilliant CD!  Our 5 ½ year old daughter (who has sleep issues due as she is unable to allow her brain to relax) listens to it every night , and it has really help her to calm down at bedtime. For us, we can see a real positive change, and she is often less frantic when going to bed following using the CD, and sometimes she even falls asleep before the end – a real result!!  She has asked me to tell you she particularly loves being an eagle, and asks when are you doing another one!” ~ LR, UK

These relaxing meditations are designed to help children relax and sleep more peacefully. Each carefully scripted meditation features a delightful story and is backed by beautiful calming music.

Meditation is a fantastic tool that children can learn at an early age which will help them throughout their lives. Help your child to become more peaceful, to connect with their inner being, learn how truly wonderful they are and help them learn to release stress and anxiety.

Guided meditation can help children focus better at school, improve memory & concentration, improve behaviour, improve relationships, strengthen the immune system and promote inner peace. These fun meditations teach your child self-awareness, encourage them to be themselves and to help build self confidence.

The meditations are completely safe and an effective way to relax your child. The CD can used for general relaxation or at bedtime and is suitable for all children up to the age of 12.

Downloads are now available on iTunes, Amazon and on streaming sites such as Spotify.


“Thanks so much for these great meditations! I love listening to these and my kids’ favourite is your Starfish meditation. Most nights I find them sleeping with their arms and legs still out when I go to check on them!” ~ CMJ, Canada

“Thank you for this brilliant CD!  Our 5 ½ year old daughter (who has sleep issues due as she is unable to allow her brain to relax) listens to it every night , and it has really help her to calm down at bedtime. For us, we can see a real positive change, and she is often less frantic when going to bed following using the CD, and sometimes she even falls asleep before the end – a real result!!  She has asked me to tell you she particularly loves being an eagle, and asks when are you doing another one!” ~ LR, UK

The Yoga Sleep CD (or “Frog CD” as my three year old son calls it – a reference to the front cover) is a perfect way of winding him down in bed, either at the end of the day, or for one of those increasingly rare daytime naps. It immediately calms him as he adopts the initial pose and closes his eyes as instructed by the gentle voiceover. Having now had it playing quietly in his room probably around half of the nights since receiving the CD, he knows the drill and a combination of the guided meditation and increasingly the association of the CD with bedtime means that I don’t think he’s ever managed to stay awake to the very end of it.  It’s beautifully produced, both in terms of its packaging and the quality of the music and voice recording.” ~ TH, Devon
 Click here for samples and to download.

Freshly back from my extended trip to India I have plenty to share with you!  This sharing will happen gradually so for now I’ve created a video to give you an essence of my trip.

Wishing you peace, love and laughter in the new year!  I look forward to seeing you soon or connecting online.

May your coming year be filled with magic & dreams and good madness. I hope you read some fine books and kiss someone who thinks you’re wonderful, and don’t forget to make some art – write or draw or build or sing or live as only you can. And I hope somewhere in the next year, you surprise yourself” ~ Neil Gaiman

I’m busy preparing for my upcoming trip to India and contemplating being back in an ashram environment.  Life is pretty hectic as I get ready for this extended trip.  I have friends and family to catch up with, planning to be done for the cover of my weekly yoga classes and monthly workshops, getting my business admin up to date as well as attending a number of meetings for future projects.

I feel both excited and apprehensive but I know the trip has come at the right time for me.  My destination is Anandprakash Yoga Ashram in Rishikesh, just a few mintues walk from the sacred river Ganga (the Ganges).

Ashram living follows a strict daily routine which can prove challenging at times but reinforces the need for a regular daily practice.  The ashram removes the distractions of everyday life so is the perfect opportunity to re-focus and to re-establish good habits.

The deepest learning comes from having this time to dedicate to our sadhana (practice) and to experience a much deeper personal enquiry.  Sadhana is a discipline undertaken in the pursuit of a spiritual goal using mind and intelligence in practice towards this goal.

This extended stay in the ashram is a perfect time to get journaling and to focus on svadhyaya (self study).   I know from previous trips and retreats that journaling is so creative and useful.  Without regular distractions, really powerful realisations can come up.

I will have the perfect opportunity to evaluate what is important for me right now.  Have the space to review my vision for the short to longer term.  This is the perfect opportunity to make internal and external changes to generate greater fulfilment and happiness.

There will be the opportunity to meet fellow yogis and spiritual travellers all undergoing the same life changing experience.  Great friendships to be formed.

(Anandprakash Yoga Ashram Tapovan)

Just to mention that regular classes and workshops will continue whilst I’m away so there will be no change to your programme.  Weekly classes will be covered by Exeter based Carol Fentimen and Yoga Nidra workshops will be taught Christine Dumbleton.  All bookings will be managed in the usual way so please book via my online shop or you can email  I have admin cover for this whole period so your message will be dealt with by Wendy.

Have a wonderful couple of months and I look forward to seeing you all in the New Year!

Om shanti.

Image credit: Piriamvada Yoga