Finally my blog is back online! Following recent upgrades to my website, the whole website crashed. This turned out to be a major issue requiring a full website rebuild. Over the last month my website has been rebuilt and upgraded meaning that I have been unable to blog during this time.
This website issue has coincided with the Mercury Retrograde which began on 18 May and will end on 11 June.
What is Mercury Retrograde?
It occurs several times a year when Mercury rotates slower than usual giving the illusion that the planet is moving backwards.
From an astrological standpoint, the Mercury Retrograde means issues with all forms of communication, legal contracts and technology. Those who believe in astrology would be advised by astrologers not to make any big purchases or major life decisions.
“Mercury rules all types of communication, including listening, speaking, learning, reading, editing, researching, negotiating, selling and buying,” wrote Susan Miller of Astrology Zone on her website. “Mercury also rules all formal contracts and agreements, as well as important documents such as book manuscripts, term papers, agreements, deeds, contracts, leases, wills, and so forth. Included under this planet’s domain are all types of code, including computer codes, as well as transportation, shipping and travel. When this planet retrogrades, these areas tend to get scrambled or spin out of control.”
Of course, this is not really a difficult time. Mercury retrograde wants us to reflect, look at things differently, review the past and to take our time. This has definitely been the case for me this month. I was rushing hoping to get my website back up and running but I soon realised that was not going to happen so I just had to let things unfold in their own time.
This has been a time for introspection, reviewing what areas of my life work and which need a little more work, time to be creative and to work on new or unfinished projects, contacting old friends, de-cluttering, taking time to rest.
Mercury retrograde wishes us to align spiritually. Major breakthroughs can happen during this time. This really is a time to “go with the flow” and to be kind to yourself.
We are now nearing the end of the Mercury retrograde, some astrologers recommend allowing a minimum of two days after Mercury moves forward before you initiate new projects, make big purchases or finalise legal contracts. The more time you allow the better.
I’m now planning ahead for my busy summer of retreats, workshops, classes, festivals, yoga at the beach, writing and filmmaking. Upon reflection, this Mercury retrograde has been most useful!
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