GUEST POST: From stuck and blocked to a thriving Soulful Business
A huge big thank you to Kimberley Jones for inviting me to write a guest post for her website, Kimberley Jones – Mentoring & Community for Awakening Women.
Click here to read my full guest post and to find out more about my experience of working with Kimberley on her mentoring programme.
Here’s a little bit about Kimberley in her own words:
“I’m Kimberley Jones, I’m a highly sensitive, intuitive woman living in a small village in the UK. I work from home following my heart and doing what I love. Right now that involves creating helpful content for my website and making a film based on my own story of awakening.
I help women navigate their awakening process, come out of the ‘spiritual closet’ and step into their purpose.
My intention is to help you make a difference AND make a living by doing what you love and by simply being yourself.”
Visit Kimberley’s website for podcasts, audios, one to one sessions and to find out more about her work.