Calling all yogis and bodywork therapists! Fascinating Fascia Workshop
The School of Bodywork is running a “Fascinating Fascia” workshop on Wednesday 6 May 2015, 10am – 5pm at Exeter Natural Health Centre. Cost £95
This course offers the opportunity to understand the importance of fascia which is an amazing 3D web of connectivity that surrounds and interpenetrates all of our various “parts”.
An understanding of fascia is now essential to all yogis, bodywork and movement therapists. A workshop where you will begin to understand the importance of fascia and also be introduced to Myofacsial Release techniques (MFR).
7 CPD points awarded by APNT
To book call 07711 656011 or email Website:
Watch the “Fuzz” Speech by Gil Hedley, Ph.D ( Gil gives a lesson on the importance of movement and stretching to maintain the sliding properties of tissues in the body. [Warning: The video contains human cadavers which support the lesson]